What's in the Box?

Episode #16 - Aligning data with your business goals with Anders Dalgaard

Sam Greenhalgh Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode, we're talking about the foundations of a data strategy and the importance to capture data at it's most granular.  Discussing cross-functional collaboration with data, how to align the data objectives with the business goals and avoiding data constipation. 

I am pleased to join Anders Dalgaard, a business outcomes partner for Teradata, who works with businesses worldwide to bridge the gap between data and their vision and goals.

This episode provides some great insights into: 

  • What a good data strategy looks like, and the Importance of cross-functional collaboration.
  • The role data plays  in managing the ripple effect that happens in the supply chain
  • The biggest gaps in the promise of a data strategy vs what actually delivered